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Forgiveness And Unconditional Love Go Hand In Hand



There are things in this world that go hand in hand if you really want to see positive changes happening around you. The same applies to unconditional love and forgiveness. It is difficult to love and be able to forgive if we have been wounded by another. We cannot give what we do not have.

The wounds in our hearts can sometimes traced way back from when we are still babies, and even infants. We get them way before we were even born. It comes from the rejection we felt since the time we are still conceived. Because the child can feel whatever the mother feels. So whenever the mother feels angry, the child can acquire those feelings.

For example, when a child is conceived by accident, the child will feel that he is unwanted. This happens because the mother may have feelings of indifference towards the conceived fetus. Those feelings of "unplanned"-ness would register to the child's subconscious. He grows up with this feeling inside him and eventually develops to rejection. Rejection is developed when the child encounters bad experience from others.

Because of this, the child will always feel angry about his/her parents even without any reason at all. He grows old harboring those feelings towards his/her folks. There would be feelings of distance most especially during adolescence where emotions are at its heights. The parents may wonder why it is so. At times, the child grows up a rebel and unruly.

With this kind of environment, it is almost impossible to release forgiveness and unconditional love. However, for true healing to really take place, one has to face this truth and accept things as they are. This is getting into the root of the matter. It means going deeper into the wounds and find out what and who caused them. Quite tedious, but once a wounded soul starts to go through the process, the result is rewarding.

There was this story of a young girl. She has been a rebel since her adolescence. She did not really understand why. She cannot even trace what her folks did that was too hard to forgive. But as time went by, she has learned to accept things as they are when she started to go back to the roots. She learned that her folks have had flaws of their own, she was "unplanned" and was always left at home with no one to take care of me. She grew up alone and independent, that was why at the first sign of manipulation by her parents, she went wild and struggled herself free.

But there was pain and depression, she knew she needed healing. The time she knew how, she decided to get on with it. There came the process of forgiveness. She was able to forgive her parents, understanding that they too were wounded, that's why they did not have the capacity to give love forward. The very day she learned forgiveness was also the day she learned unconditional love. It was not easy, loving the unloveable, including my parents. But it was rewarding and the joy was endless.

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